GX Blocks Energy Hybrid Cloud Architecture

Based on the most advanced Distributed Ledger Technologies of the blockchain sector

3 min readJun 9, 2020
GX Blocks Energy

GX Blocks Energy P.C. is a growth-oriented, blockchain mining company building a bridge from the blockchain sector to traditional capital markets. GX Blocks owns state-of-the-art ASIC-based digital currency mining facilities in Greece, which produce newly minted digital currencies continuously like Bitcoin. Our deployments provide contract holders with exposure to the profit margins of digital currency mining as well as a growing portfolio of crypto-coins.

GX Blocks Advantage

  • Secure, Low-Cost Electricity; Hydro Power/ Energy Producer
  • Cutting-edge cooling technology; Tank-Liquid Cooling Methods
  • Proof of Stake — Masternodes Services; No lock-up period — Multiselection
  • Mobile Mining Units -Lower Infrastructure Costs; Maximum energy efficiency
  • Runs on Open Source DLTs as R3 Corda, Ripple, Interledger, Wallet Solution & Global Transactions
  • Smart Contracts — Transparent Records; Real-Time APIs — Versatility
GX Blocks Energy Platform

GX Blocks Hybrid Cloud Architecture is based on the most advanced Distributed Ledger Technologies of the blockchain sector


Interledger is an open protocol for payments across payment networks (blockchains and others). The Interledger protocol gives us the opportunity to connect and communicate different types of blockchain protocols and other financial systems end to end.


Ripple is a real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange and remittance network Ripple supports to enable secure, instant and nearly free global financial transactions of any size with no chargebacks. Using the ripple protocol we minimize our distribution/ payment costs/network commissions as we can have access to a global settlement infrastructure with the most efficient features from low costs of transactions, speed, security and real-time monitoring/ transparency between the parties.

R3 Corda

Corda is an open source platform that enables businesses to transact directly and in strict privacy using smart contracts, reducing transaction and record-keeping costs and streamlining business operations. We take advantage of the use cases of the smart contracts of Corda and we are able to have a full cycle of leasing contract execution with automation calls from the system accurate and fast, without manual process and minimize risks/ errors.

XRP Ledger

XRPL Labs and Xpring Platform provides developer tools, services, and programs to integrate money into our dapp. XRPL is a real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange and remittance network created by Ripple Labs Inc.

GX Blocks Oracle

GX Blocks Oracle

By leveraging the selected blockchain technologies/tools we have elicited a new type of blockchain mining contract in the blockchain industry. Providing a simple and secure way to create combinations for cryptocurrency portfolio management.

GXB Blockchain Platform Features

Multi-Signature Wallets

Store cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin using a secure and easy to use digital wallet solution.

Cross-Border Payments

By employing the Interledger Protocol, our users are guaranteed instant, low cost, reliable withdrawals borderless payments everywhere.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts written in the R3 Cordapp provide proof and transparency to the user of purchased assets.

Smart Portfolio Management

Smart-metering/recording tools and open APIs provide real-time access and statistics of the GXB Pool to the user as well as multiple tools for digital asset management.

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GX Blocks Energy — Official Website: www.gxblocks.com

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All rights reserved.




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